Junior Service League Roster

The Junior Service League of St. Augustine connects members to a group of women who are like-minded in their goal to help the community.

We are truly grateful to our sustaining members who have taken up their time and support to improve our group and community.

After 5 years of active service, Junior Service League members are eligible to become Active Sustainers of the league. Active Sustainers still support and advise the league, but with fewer obligations. They share their training and expertise with other community organizations, and serve as advisors to the Board of Directors. We welcome all League Members who choose to leave Active Membership and become Active Sustainers, and also welcome sustainers switching over from other leagues!


Brittany Brooks

The Junior Service League of St. Augustine welcomes Brittany Brooks as our 90th President of the League.

Brittany joined the Junior Service League of St. Augustine in 2021. She has served as a Lighthouse 5k Chair (‘22 and ‘23), Social Chair (22’), Gala Logistics Chair (‘21 and ‘22), and President-Elect (’23).

Brittany currently works at Conser Group, a global logistics firm, as the Vice President of Business Development, and is a St. Augustine native! One of Brittany’s early high school careers was at the St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum.

Board of Directors


President: Brittany Brooks

President Elect: Cara Seifart

Vice-President: Jennifer Taliaferro

Treasurer: Kayla Carney

Corresponding Secretary: Nicole Walters

Recording Secretary: Andrea Lyles

Parliamentarian: Carice Schuster


Audit Chair: Louanne Lewis

Active Sustainer Chairs: Jennia Sarnowski & Laurin Thomas

Membership Chairs: Lindsey Taylor & Maria DiMare

Historian/Scrapbook Chairs: Jami Odom, Kirsten Halbach & Dorothy Rowland

Service Chairs: Genny Johns, Elizabeth Balog & Erin Winters

Ways and Means Chairs: Nikki Pontello & Alexis McDaniel

Communications Chairs: Megan Miller, Heather Draper & Sammy Washburn

Social Chairs: Alyssa Benincosa & Madison Onderdonk 

Kids Bridge Liaison: Jennfer Taliaferro (VP)

Webster Liaison: Sarah Marston


Lighthouse 5k and Fun Run:Erin Winters, Monica Miles, Cara Seifart, Madison Onderdonk

Annual Gala: Nikki Pontello, Alexis McDaniel, Alyssa Benincosa, Jennifer Taliaferro

Feel the Wheels: Sammy Washburn, Heather Draper, Erin Winters, Sarah Marston

Sustainer Events & Information

If you are already a member of the Junior Service League, the ‘Membership’ page has information regarding membership, upcoming events and new opportunities. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us!


For first access to community events and volunteer opportunities straight to your inbox, join our list!


For first access to community events and volunteer opportunities straight to your inbox, join our list!

Join us for the Lighthouse 5K!